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Desolate Shore: Shore Rocks

Here is a breakdown of the large shore rocks from my environment: "Desolate Shore".
All assets and texturing seen are created by me.
The shore rock assets were sculpted from scratch in 3D-Coat, optimized and unwrapped in 3DS Max, then were baked and textured using Substance Painter.

The two in-game screenshots, show the shore rocks with detail texturing and barnacles which were applied using vertex painting.

Software Used: 3ds Max, 3D-Coat, ZBrush, Substance Painter, UE4, GIMP, Photoshop.

The assets prior to the application of detail texturing and vertex painting.

The assets prior to the application of detail texturing and vertex painting.

An example of a shore rock with  detail texturing and barnacles, which were applied via vertex painting.

An example of a shore rock with detail texturing and barnacles, which were applied via vertex painting.

An example of a shore rock with  detail texturing and barnacles, which were applied via vertex painting.

An example of a shore rock with detail texturing and barnacles, which were applied via vertex painting.